News & Events

Cambria Reserves Forest Health & Vegetative Treatment
June 07,2023, The CA Coastal Commission gave unanimous approval to the hazardous fuel and ecological restoration project we are sponsoring on the Hearst Ranch in San Simeon

Hearst Ranch Forest Health Project
This project will improve the health and vigor of the Monterey pine forest by conducting ecologically restorative forest health treatments that reduce competition, encourage natural pine regeneration, and increase climate resiliency and biological diversity while reducing the severity of wildfire near the historic community of Old San Simeon Village and San Simeon Acres (aka “New San Simeon”).

Covell Ranch Project
This great project affects about 665 acres of rare native Monterey pine forest on the Covell Ranch just northeast of the community of Cambria. This project focuses on restoring one of five naturally occurring Monterey pine stands in the world to native ecological conditions for long-term forest health, wildlife abundance, carbon sequestration and resilience of rare botanical alliances.
New District Approved
October 14,2022 The CA Coastal Commission approved the Upper Salinas-Las Tablas Resource Conservation District Forest Health and Fire Resilience Public Works Plan (PWP) to allow the RCD to help facilitate the planning, review, and authorization of vegetation treatment projects to improve forest health, restore ecosystems, and increase wildfire resilience within San Luis Obispo County’s coastal zone
When it comes to California’s wildfire crisis, Coastal Commission staff stated, “the state’s overall strategy relies on an increase in the pace and scale of vegetation treatment in order to help reduce wildfire risks.”